If Anyone is Keeping Track....
Four things I'm working on: novel, family, secret project, company!
Overheard: A Novel
So I’m up to 21,519 words in my next novel Overheard which is theoretically coming out in October 2025. (Ummm….) That doesn’t sound like a lot when I look at the 60,000-word finish line, but I’ve written all of it since June 22nd when I scrapped what I had — again — and started over. The deadline is the end of this month so it’s looking a bit iffy, but I’m finally in it.
As I write, I keep wondering: What exactly makes a great novel? How page-turning it is? The subject matter? The degree of authenticity? Suspense? Surprise? The voice? The dialogue? The descriptions? The emotions it evokes? All of the above? For the love of God, WHAT?!?!
I know it’s hard to quantify a creative experience, but as I write and then re-read, I’m trying to evaluate it all with a critical eye. How can I make it better? Why did the people who read Blank actually like it? What can I replicate from that effort in this draft? And what if I can’t? What if everything I write is downhill from there? What if my next book is a giant failure and I never write again?!
Well, I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. In the meantime, I’m trying to write at least 1,000 words a day. Underpromise, overdeliver. Any suggestions welcome.
Secret project.
I’m also spending time on my new secret project which I’ll talk more about in August. It’s requiring a lot of detail-work and spreadsheets and more but it’ll all be worth it. I’m kind of addicted to working on it.
Time with the kids.
Mostly, I’m trying to be as present as possible with my kids. The school year is always insane for them and for me. I’m clinging to every second of summer, enjoying all four of them being home, trying to jump on the trampoline when begged or cuddle before bed or s’mores, or any of it so I don’t miss it.
I was so burnt out at the end of the school year that after I dropped the kids at their dad’s for their big summer trip with him, I stopped on a nearby stoop and sobbed. (Mind you, I had also tried an estrogen patch that week which was a huge mistake. I ripped that emotional rollercoaster thing right off after only 10 days. Not medical advice — just my own experience.) I cried so hard that Kyle came and met me to walk me home.
Aside from being exhausted from book tour, podcasting (please listen to all the new episodes!) and everything else, I felt deep sorrow and almost shame for all the time I didn’t spend with the kids, all the things I missed this year because I was working harder than I ever have in my life. Yes, I still picked them up at school most days and ate dinner with them and tried never to miss bedtime, but in between, there were a lot of devices. For everyone.
That feeling of longing hurt my soul.
So I’m doing the summer differently. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but I know I won’t have that same regret when summer ends. I did — and will continue to —prioritize time alone with each kid, which is the biggest luxury of all in our big family.
All the Zibby Media stuff.
And then there’s all the exciting stuff with my company. We just launched a Zibby’s Bookshop Subscription Program so anyone who’s in Zibby’s Book Club can get all the books I pick mailed right to them! And even if you’re not in the club, consider it great book picks for your TBR pile.
Plus, there are things every day. Like today’s news about a book we acquired called The Country House. And events I’m planning in September and October. Plus the next couple retreats. And Zibby’s Bookshop visits. And more!
But in between the work stuff, I’m driving around in my bright yellow new Ford Bronco (that I’m obsessed with), the wind in my hair, the kids in the car, music blasting, being a mom. Being me. And it feels really, really good.
Now about the book hotel I mentioned in my recent East Hampton Star article (hahaha)….
p.s. Hope to see any of you in the Watch Hill or Newport, RI area for my event with Deborah Goodrich Royce at the Ocean House on Monday at 5 pm! Please come! Details here.
THIS: I felt deep sorrow and almost shame for all the time I didn’t spend with the kids... I still picked them up at school most days and ate dinner with them and tried never to miss bedtime, but in between, there were a lot of devices. For everyone. That feeling of longing hurt my soul.
I viscerally feel this longing and the setting of intentions to be present (then letting the siren song of Wordle, Connections, Instagram keep me from the very connection I long for). Thank you for putting it so perfectly, and also reminding me that I can start prioritizing present, connected time at any time.
Zibby, you’ve got this! Blank was enjoyable to read because it was just so real!!!!!! The pages basically turned themselves!!! Ok ok stop reading and start writing, respectfully 😉