Calling all book lovers!
Refer your book loving friends to enter to win a hat, a sweatshirt, or a spot on a Zibby Retreat!
Hi everyone! I want to meet your book loving friends and grow our community.
Now through Labor Day, you can also win big just by telling fellow book lovers about my Substack and getting them to sign up, too.
If you refer 3 friends, you’ll be entered to win a hat from the Social Goods x Zibby collab.
If you refer 6 friends, you’ll also be entered to win a sweatshirt from the Social Goods x Zibby collab. (They are SO soft.)
If you refer 9 or more friends, you’ll be entered to win a spot on a Zibby Retreat, as featured in the L.A. Times!
If you get 50 or more friends to sign up, you can get YOUR OWN CUSTOM SHELF in Zibby’s Bookshop, Santa Monica, for one month. (And I’ll be your best friend.)
So get going! Just click the Refer a Friend button below and then email or text your custom link out to everyone you know. Then they can enter the giveaway, too… and on.. and on…. and on! But make sure they subscribe!
I’ll be sending out links to all the books in my Most Anticipated Fall/Winter list soon, so get going! The deadline is September 2nd. How many people do you think you can get to sign up?!!?
On your mark, get set…. go!